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New Year, New Closet

Ladies! It’s the NEW YEAR!

The relatives have all returned home, the holiday parties are all over, the Christmas decorations have all been put away and the children have all returned to school. You’ve been dressing the family all season long and you’ve been wearing anything that you can find. Your bedroom & children’s room is a war zone,

and now you can’t find two articles of clothing that match to save your life! Ladies listen, it’s finally time to make that resolution to readjust your focus. It’s time to focus on YOU! The first step in focusing on you is drawing your attention to that war zone… YOUR CLOSET!

A well-organized closet is essential to finding your Style of Life! When things in your life are chaotic and in disarray there’s no way to function peacefully or at your highest capacity! And this holds true, especially for your closet! I have 5 simple steps to get you closer to a New Closet in the New Year!


- Closet editing is a daunting task! Be sure to carve out 3-4 hours when attempting this job. When you look at the chaos & think about the task that lies before you, an overwhelming rush of anxiety may come over you. SET THE MOOD! Take a deep breath, put on a comfy 2 piece set, turn on all your bedroom lights, and crank up your favorite music channel.


- Once you’re comfortable and ready to work… DO THAT LAUNDRY LADIES! Half of your styling frustrations arise from never knowing what articles of clothing you have to pair with a look due to them being lost in piles of forgotten laundry. It’s important to ensure every article of clothing is cleaned before progressing in your closet edit.


- As those loads of laundry are going, GATHER MATERIALS! You’ll need a roll of large white trash bags, hangers of your choice, and a permanent marker. Aside from the materials you’ll need for the closet, be sure to have a bottle of water and some snacks nearby for yourself. Stay hydrated and nourished!


- Once those piles of laundry are clean, you’re ready to tackle the closet. Begin by completely emptying the shelves and taking down all hanging items! Clear that closet. For every item that you grab you’re going to ask yourself, “KEEP, TRASH or DONATE?” How do you decide what to keep, trash or donate? Listen closely. Start with items that aren’t your current size… donate it. If any of those items have stains, holes, rips or fuzz balls… trash it. If you look at an item and you love it, fits well and you’ve worn it multiple times during a season… keep it. If an item is dated, still has the tags on it or you haven’t chosen it for a look in over 2 years… donate it. These rules apply to shoes as well. Once you’ve created your 3 piles you’ll use your trash bags and permanent marker to create bags for donation and bags to go out to the trash. Labeling them appropriately with your marker! Opt for donating to a good friend or family in need of gently used clothes or donate to a local thrift store.


- Your bags have been removed from your room, your laundry is cleaned and folded and now, you’re ready to ORGANIZE that closet! There are several ways to organize but the Stylez By Renee’ suggestion is to color code your closet. Using a standard rainbow color chart, hang your items in order from red to purple then whites & grays lastly, blacks. Fold your denim and T-shirts, hang or neatly organize purses, and use bins to house those socks that are always so hard to find in a rush! And you’ve done it Ladies! You can finally sit back and look at what you’ve accomplished and say HAPPY NEW YEAR! As you begin 2024 you will hit the ground running with a fresh closet that will assist you with ease when styling looks for your everyday life!


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